N°51 | L’image à l’époque romane
Jean WIRTH L’IMAGE À L’ÉPOQUE ROMANE : VINGT ANS APRÈS To the critical remarks that the book I published twenty years ago did provoke, I add my owns. However, I maintain that iconography constitutes a system – nobody would be able to understand an image otherwise. That system depends on ideologies, like the contempt…
N°50 | Qu’est que l’art Roman ?
Quitterie CAZES L’ART ROMAN AUJOURD’HUI The Romanesque today: appreciate, understand, analyse art of XIth and XIIth centuries is still relevant. Whats is Romanesque? What is Romanesque today? Answer this question needs a small step backward. Since two centuries, we tried to understand diverse facets: origins, buildings typology, position of its sculpture in relation to…
N°48 | Les grandes abbayes et l’art roman
Cécile TREFFORT FONDER FONDER, CONSTRUIRE, CONSACRER :LA NAISSANCE D’UNE « ABBAYE ROMANE » Between the choice of a place and the installation of the first religious, the birth of a great Romanesque abbey is a long and complex process: to the spiritual motivations of the founder and his will to build a house whole dedicated…
N°48 | L’art roman et la mer
Jacqueline LECLERCQ-MARX FORMES ET FIGURES DE L’IMAGINAIRE MARIN, DANS LE HAUT MOYEN ÂGE ET DANS LE MOYEN ÂGE CENTRAL If fishes and sea monsters hold an extremely important place in Roman art, antique see imaginary world seems less rich than the medieval one. Medieval marine imagination did not only base on the Plinian assertion that every…
N°47 | La Peinture murale à l’époque romane
Jordi CAMPS i SÒRIA Mireia MESTRE i CAMPÀ CONSERVER ET GÉRER LA PEINTURE MURALE ROMANE DANS UN MUSÉE. LA COLLECTION DU MUSEU NACIONAL D’ART DE CATALUNYA The management and conservation of a collection as emblematic as the Romanesque mural paintings of the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya (Barcelona) mean a constant challenge that means working continuously on…
N°46 | Le cloître roman
Christian SAPIN DE LA COUR AU CLOÎTRE CAROLINGIEN From the galleried court to the Carolingian cloister. Well known in the monastic architecture, the cloister surrounded by covered galleries was not immediately imposed and proceeds quite surely from several antecedents. The latest archaeological researches in Europe allow us to retain remains of structures, leading from the courtyard surrounded by porticoes…
N°45 | Le portail roman – XIe-XIIe siècles. Nouvelles approches, nouvelles perspectives
Anne-Orange POILPRE Le portail roman et ses images sculptées : pierre angulaire de l’histoire de l’art médiéval européen ‘Romanesque portal’: the term itself stands as an evocative phrase that encompasses all the major artistic transformations of the eleventh and twelfth centuries. It evokes the flourishing of monumental sculpture at the threshold of the church and the threshold whose…
N°44 | La cathédrale romane : architecture, espaces, circulations romane
Yves ESQUIEU La cathédrale romane, ses fonctions, sa place dans la cité Brigitte BOISSAVIT-CAMUS, Christian SAPIN De la cathédrale paléochrétienne à la cathédrale romane ABSTRACT In Gaul the ecclesia constitutes the architecture of a triumphant faith. Given the number of churches present in an episcopal seat, it is not always possible to identify the principal…