In March 2015 an endowment fund was created, the Fund for the conservation, restoration and cultural development of the Abbey of Saint-Michel de Cuxa, a historic monument, or SAINT-MICHEL DE CUXA FUND.
This fund was created by four partners: the Abbey of Saint-Michel de Cuxa, the Pablo-Casals Festival Association of Prades, the Cultural Association of Cuxa, and the Friends of Saint-Michel de Cuxa Association.
Its aim is to receive money particpations from the public, destinated to promote, firstly, the restoration of the abbey, in particular the house of the Sagristà Major, which is still in ruins, the rebirth of the 12th century tribune, a masterpiece of Romanesque sculpture, and lastly, the improvement of the reception, accessibility and intermediation of the abbey, a major monument in Catalan and European history. In the longer term, the fund is intended to promote the cultural development of the abbey as a monument open to visitors.
Placed under the regime of the 2008 law, it allows the defiscalisation (in France) of the contributions granted to it.
- For individuals, 66% of the donation is deducted from the tax payable, up to a limit of 20% of taxable income.
- For companies, reduction of the tax on profits, 60% of the donation within the limit of 5°/oo of the turnover.
- Possibility of sponsorship of skills, offered in kind or in services.
- A receipt allowing the deduction is issued by the Fund.

Donors day, September 30, 2022
The Saint-Michel de Cuxa Fund maintains relations with its donors through a regular newsletter and the organisation of a “Donors’ Day” at regular intervals. The last day took place on 30 September 2022, and included a presentation of the state of progress of the project for Cuxa, a visit to the building site under the direction of its architect, Mr Olivier Weets, and a walk around the abbey enriched by readings and musical moments. Sabine Riva and her pupils from the singing class of the Perpignan Conservatory, Pascal Goze, guitar, Joël Pons, baroque cello and Vincent Vidalou, Catalan instruments contributed to the success of this day.
Main donors :Claude Baudet, Marguerite Bartoli, Marion Bastien, Odile Cadart, Entreprise Rodrigues-Bizeul, Entreprise Malet, Equilibre-Structures, Germain Ferec, Marie-Françoise Fons, Odile Fournier, Emmanuel Garland, René Gondral, Marie Grau, Laurent Grau, International Music and Art Foundation, Hénia Kolesnikov, Philippe Malet, Michel Mayéné (+), Danièle Moreau, Olivier Poisson, Roger Rioual (+), Denis Rossa, Laurent Taillandier, Michel Sauvant, Mikhaïl Stepanov. |