Sanctifying the world

Jean-Claude Bonne, École des Hautes Études en Sciences sociales Opening conference: Sanctifying the world. I. Romanesque art and the question of the relationship between the sensitive and the spiritual in creation “Man, art and nature” are not universal and unambiguous categories that can be associated with self-evident realities. When we think of “Nature” – a…

Unpublished inventories of Cuixà silverware: towards the rediscovery of a piece of treasure?

Guillem Dalmau, Doctorant en histoire de l’art moderne, sous la direction de Julien Lugand (UPVD) et Francesc Miralpeix (UdG) UMR 5136 FRAMESPA – Université de Perpignan Via Domitia (UPVD) About the silver of Saint-Michel de Cuxa The silver of the Benedictine abbey of Saint-Michel de Cuixà is known by some inventories from the second half of…

Images of medicine and doctors between East and West (11th-12th centuries)

Joël Chandelier, Université de Paris VIII How were medicine and physicians represented in the Romanesque period? How were they described within society? What stock of symbols, what markers were used to identify and qualify the practitioners of this venerable and useful art? Using images and objects, but also certain preserved texts, we will try to characterize the perception of…

Space and time in some world maps of the 11th and 12th centuries

Emmanuelle Vagnon, CNRS (LAMOP), Université Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne Mappae mundi, which are representations of the entire known world in Western Europe in the Middle Ages, display a geographical image based on certain scientific principles inherited from Antiquity, while depicting the history of the world and of humanity since its origins. These images of the medieval world…